Lyrics for Under a Picture Vol. 7 (Halloween Costume Edition)

Words By Miki Hellerbach

On the track “Champagne Poetry” by Drake, he raps the line, “Under a picture lives some of the greatest quotes from me.” Drizzy has become known by many as the social media caption whisperer. That said, the art of crafting the perfect lyric for fans to copy paste underneath a photo is not limited to the 6 God’s prowess. Each week, artist’s insert lyrics into their songs worthy of everyone’s flexworthy use. For this new Gen B Magazine weekly column we will search far and wide for each release week’s most noteworthy captionable lyrics. Then share them here coupled with astute analysis of how they exist in their song’s storyline and how they may exist beneath your visual social media posts.

For this entry we also are incorporating our first theme! Spooky season is upon us and these lyrics have perfect caption-ability for all your Halloween costume pics!

“I’m seeing the image of people who died in my muh’fucking brain again”- Chris Patrick

Song: “Insane” by Chris Patrick

The most obvious costume connotation for this lyric is the classic zombie getup. For that, this is a …wait for it, no brainer. That said if you are a die hard fan of the 1999 thriller The Sixth Sense and hope to dress up as a sort of reenactment of the Hailey Joel Osment character under the blanket or in the red sweater, wow is this caption served up to you on a platter. New Jersey rapper Chris Patrick seems to be channeling the same fear as the kid from the 90s classic.

“Under that moon, bitch, we turn into wolves”- SahBabii

Song: “Do It For Demon” by SahBabii

Wow could this line from this week be any more perfect?!?! Rapper/melody maestro SahBabii really wanted to gift his listeners something useful to coincide with their furry sideburns and knuckles. Get flicked up on your drunken evening howling at the moon in your wolf costume and throw this line right beneath the post with ease.

“The wild boys, King Kong of the cowboys”- Jadakiss

Song: “King Kong Riddim” by Jay-Z, Jadakiss, & Conway The Machine feat. Backroad Gee

Two costumes in one bar?! Elite member of the legendary group The Lox Jadakiss is setting you up here for your wild gorilla cowboy hybrid look. This line could also just really work for one or the other but why the hell not get inspired by the wordsmith? Tuck those hairy and bulky legs into some boots and giddy up through the night. Jada’s got the line for whenever you strike the pose on your journey.

“Alien Girl, you a long way from home”- Wiley from Atlanta

Song: “Alien Girl” by Wiley from Atlanta feat. Tom the Mailman

If you wanna go extra terrestrial but make it sexy, ATL crooner Wiley from Atlanta has you covered. Flex those big eyes and that tight green dress all the way to the club and drink that weird green drink they have on special while your friend snaps you sippin’. When you wake up a little hazy the next morning and you look at your texts to see the pic sent you can post it with this line tastefully.

“Big Cuban link ’round my neck on C-3PO”- Big Sean

Song: “Chaos” by Big Sean & Hit-Boy

Now Detroit emcee Big Sean is giving you an option here. Either nerd all the way out and put together a big gold C-3PO droid costume to show all your other Star Wars obsessive friends or just say forget a costume and rock all black with your best gold chain and take on the town. Whichever you choose is all good because Sean Don has the line for the flick when you’re posted up at the bars. Halloween isn’t for everyone but is also really a highlight of each year for some. This perfect line is inclusive to the full spectrum of feelings about the holiday.

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